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     Checking out my flowers...this guy has been busy all morning going from one flower to another.  I was lucky to get a couple pictures even though he is mighty fast. While I was sitting there relaxing after pulling a few weeds that manage to appear overnight he flew around me making sure he didn't miss a single flower.  Busy little guy.



    Not only is he busy....but the vegetable garden is getting way ahead of me. The tomatoes are in abundance.


    I managed to get several quarts of spaghetti sauce put up.  Now a few days later I have another bushel of tomatoes to do.  But when I put the jars on the shelves I know I'll enjoy the work this winter when we're eating it.  Don't they look nice? 

    I always spend a few hours on Sunday with my spinning friends and Susan was nice enough to share some fresh mozzarella cheese with us.  That sure tasted great late Sunday afternoon with fresh Roma tomatoes and fresh bread. 

    If anyone is interested in knitting Anne from the Knitspot  is one of my favorite designers and also a great friend.  We enjoy our Sunday mornings together spinning ,chatting....mostly laughing.  There are four of us.  Now that the ponding is winding down for the year until spring I'll be busy knitting and spinning....good therapy for the winter months.   I can't wait on Anne's new patterns coming out soon....a vintage shirt sweater I'm dying to knit.  The yarn is Sunna from Spirit Trail Fiberworks, its a dream to touch!

    Tomorrow's another day and more tomatoes....its tomato juice and salsa next.  The Rain Lilies are finally starting to bloom.
