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    Hummingbirds are primarily attracted to bright colors such as, red, orange and dark purple colors.  Tubular shaped flowers are among their favorites because of the amount of nectar they can hold.  While flower clusters also attract them, they don't hold as much nectar and the hummingbird has to make more trips expending more energy to consume enough nectar.  They also feed on small spiders and tiny insects found amongst your flowers. 

    You may want to plant smaller trees around your pond to give them a place to perch.  They like the smaller branches, twigs or leaf stems to sit on and rest.  The trees that attract them are your lilacs, rose of Sharon, hawthorn, redbud and weigela. 

    Among the pond plants that they seemed attracted to the most are the butterfly plant, hibiscus, lobelia, obedient flower and cardinal flower.  If you have an area around your water garden to plant other ground plants this will also attract them to your pond.  Such plants as foxglove, mandevillas, petunias, hollyhock, columbine and lupine are a few favorites of the hummingbird.  I found by planting impatiens and hibiscus in my bog area creates a nice look and gives the hummingbirds a place to enjoy. 

    Not only will you be attracting hummingbirds to your pond area but butterflies enjoy alot of the same plants.  Where your hummingbirds are attracted to the nectar by sight, the butterflies are attracted to them by the smell. 

    Enjoy every aspect of nature by creating that area where you'll not only enjoy the peacefulness of your water garden but the magnificent hummingbirds as well.

    Buy obedient flower,cardinal flower,lobelia here.
